快讯:广西南宁木薯烂根引发恐慌性抛售 信息来源:淀粉世界网 作者:韦宾 更新时间: 2011-02-10 字体大小: 【大】 【中】 【小】 本网讯(通讯员 韦宾):据来自广西南宁的最新消息,由于广西节前和节日期间罕见的极端气侯影响,导致南宁郊区以及武鸣、隆安等县的木薯烂根现象,且情况较为严重;为此,引发了农户的抢收行为,并导致恐慌性抛售和低价竞销。今天武鸣的木薯收购价为620—640元/吨,但权威人士预测,往后的日子极可能跌穿600元/吨的关口。敬请关注! can you get an std from a toilet seat chlamydia symptoms for men chlamydia pneumoniae treatmentfacts about hiv and aids early symptoms hiv treatment for aids/hivwill my wife cheat again why do wife cheat women who love to cheatwhen your wife cheats wife cheated on me now what i want my wife to cheatmarried and want to cheat survivingediscovery.com reasons why women cheatwhat is infidelity prashanthiblog.com looking for affairabortion clinics in austin menstruation after d&c procedure when can you not get an abortionpromo codes for walgreens photo link pet rx couponwhy people cheat in relationships click why married men cheatwomen cheat husband fangstoptimering.dk why men cheat on beautiful womenprintable pharmacy coupons januvia.com coupons januvia discount couponviagra discounts coupons viagra discount coupons coupons for prescriptionscoupons for drugs liberitutti.info free printable viagra couponscan i take losartan and tylenol canitake.net can i take losartan and tylenolviagra no effect http://viagraforsaleuk1.com viagra online buycialis coupon free lipseysguns.com cialis price cheapprescription drug discount cards lilly coupons for cialis prescription drugs couponcoupons for prescription medications nationalautocare.com lilly coupons for cialis 当前隐藏内容需要支付0元(RNB) 已有 人支付 支付查看 升级会员 上一篇: 快讯:广西武鸣、隆安木薯种苗灾情严重 下一篇: 2月8日泰国木薯原料收价及木薯淀粉报价 相关推荐 快讯2:最新(8.19)凭祥正贸越南淀粉行情......! 分析预测:本周(8月18—24日)国内木薯淀粉行情走势 最新(9.13)越南各地鲜薯收购价格 CFT供应阶段性趋紧 玉米价格继续回暖 淀粉行业上周要闻(8月11-17日) CFT终端企业补库较为谨慎 玉米市场行情震荡不止 广西凭祥部分淀粉品牌正贸报价(8.19) 最新(9.13)越南各地鲜薯收购价格 泰国木薯淀粉在广州经销商的报价(8.28) 东兴边贸部分二、三线品牌木薯淀粉报价(8.28)