一种腈纶淀粉胶粘剂及其制造方法 信息来源:中国胶粘剂网 作者:晨曦编辑 更新时间: 2012-05-23 字体大小: 【大】 【中】 【小】 本发明涉及一种腈纶淀粉胶及其制造方法。其主要特征是:包括以丙烯腈聚合物或以丙烯腈为主的共聚物经水解制得的腈纶胶粘剂、淀粉、红和黄色素、以及硫酸钡等填充料经过混合加热制成,各成分有效固含物在组分中的重量百分数分别为10—50%、1—60%、0.0001—0.04%、0.01—60%。同时给出了该产品制造方法。对近距离或当地可直接用制得的腈纶淀粉胶粘剂(液态),对远距离运输可经过烘干脱水等工序制成胶粒,使用时可直接加水搅拌即可。history of hiv/aids nav-connector.com causes of aidsmy husband cheated on me scottdangelo.com how to cheat husbandhow to cheat on my husband gerarprieto.com women who cheat on their husbandsunfaithful husbands why do married men cheat on their wives why men have affairsmy husband cheated on me click what makes people cheatremote spy software open spy android appsunwanted pregnancy options natural abortion remedies medical abortion nhsspy cell hidden spyware for android best spyware app for androidfree printable coupons musicambassadors.eu coupons for free stuffcoupons for free rx discount drug coupon walgreens pharmacy coupon codefree pharmacy discount cards ilovetodeletecode.com rhoads pharmacy couponscoupons rite aid mscac.org pharmacy couponcoupons for prescriptions dyenomite.com prescription cardwife cheated blog.sharepointgeek.nl cheat on husbandcvs coupons online prescription drugs discount cards prescription discount cardmessage spy app tracking device for vehicle how to spy on phonesclomid 50mg vardenafil xifaxan 400mgfluconazole 200mg mostefaiamine.com priligy 90mgproscar pill gabapentin pill inderal 40mgprescription cards go free viagra couponvacuum aspiration abortion cytotec abortion how to have an abortioncan i take antabuse and naltrexone can i take antabuse and naltrexone can i take antabuse and naltrexonefree cialis coupon 2016 blog.nvcoin.com cialis coupon card 当前隐藏内容需要支付0元(RNB) 已有 人支付 支付查看 升级会员 上一篇: 快干型胶粘剂 下一篇: 包装自动化是淀粉厂必走之路 相关推荐 快讯2:最新(8.19)凭祥正贸越南淀粉行情......! 分析预测:本周(8月18—24日)国内木薯淀粉行情走势 最新(9.13)越南各地鲜薯收购价格 CFT供应阶段性趋紧 玉米价格继续回暖 淀粉行业上周要闻(8月11-17日) CFT终端企业补库较为谨慎 玉米市场行情震荡不止 广西凭祥部分淀粉品牌正贸报价(8.19) 最新(9.13)越南各地鲜薯收购价格 泰国木薯淀粉在广州经销商的报价(8.28) 东兴边贸部分二、三线品牌木薯淀粉报价(8.28)